Hmmm......Finally got this blog's account set up.
For a start, here's a painting of grapes that took forever to paint from the oil painting class I'm currently enrolled.

Believe it or not, this painting took about 2 mths (about 8 - 2.5 to 3.5 hrs classes) of in-class hrs. The first 3 grapes took like 3 hrs. I'm soooooo amazed with myself that I actually have that bloody patience to take that much time to paint that 3 grapes, or even the total time to do the whole painting. And guess what, it's not even a big painting. It measures only around 10" x 8". Despite that much time spent, I don't find it any better than what I could do in a much shorter time. Nevertheless, it is rather significant to know that I could actually have that much patience.